VIMA Children’s Home
It is no easy task to care for the land, buildings, and all that it takes to ensure that the children at VIMA Children’s Home are cared for, loved, and safe on a day-to-day basis. We are so amazed by the work of our wonderful staff. They say, “It takes a village” to raise children, and we know better than most just exactly what that means! Please take a moment to read a little about the individuals who are the heart & soul of VIMA Children’s Home.
Francis Kwame Agbemafle
Francis is our Founder and manages the operations from the US and visits VIMA Orphanage in Ghana at least once a year. He wears many hats in his role, but somehow manages to do it all with a smile on his face. Learn more about his mission with VIMA on our “Who We Are” page!
Charles Mortey
Charles helps the children stay in touch with their sponsors, especially those who are too young to write letters. He also travels to the local villages where some VIMA children are with caretakers to ensure they are attending school and acheiving their educational milestones.
Chris Webu
A teacher by profession, and a beneficiary of the VIMA program himself, Chris plans the itinerary for the Volunteers and stays with them during the entire visit. He helps to ensure every trip is a successful and fun time for visitors!
Ali Emmanuel
Also a beneficiary of the VIMA Program, Ali helps with those who come to volunteer at the VIMA Children’s Home. He is an integral part of the planning and success of each visit.
Selorm Amegah
A recent addition to the VIMA Family, Selorm cares for our chicken coop and various agricultural needs. The chickens and eggs provide vital protein needed for the children we serve.
Norah Dogbevia
Norah cooks and serves food for the children and around the clock care at VIMA. She is a motherly figure who provides guidance to our children and keeps things moving at VIMA Children’s Home.
Dora Amenyui
Dora helps to provide meals for the 80+ children and staff everyday at the home. She is an important figure to the children as well.
Selina Agbenyo
Song and Dance are an important part of the African culture, and witho ur community based approach we try to offer as many opportunities for our children to celebrate in this way. Selina teaches our children about their heritage through song and dance.
Oswald Datsa
Oswald transports our staff as needed. Located in remote areas of Ghana, he provides a wonderful and much needed service to keep the VIMA Children’s Home operations moving.
Mercy Agbemafle
A teacher by profession, Mercy is a part-time cook for our Volunteers at VIMA. We host people from all over the world and her cooking ensures that each volunteer is well fed and comfortable after a long day of work!
Stephen Amert
Children’s Home Manager
Stephen recently joined our family as the Home Manager, taking on the many responsibilities that ensure the VIMA Children’s Home runs smoothly. He helps with finances, repairs, compliance issues, liaison, mediator between VIMA and the chiefs, and generally overseeing the daily operations of the home. A father of three children, Stephen loves children and in his own words, “ i see no difference between the VIMA kids and my own kids”